lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

RV: Informacion sobre pirateria


Espero que vaya todo bien, hablamos no hace mucho sobre el mercado de DVD y BD, te mando un copy and paste de un artículo que me ha enviado un compañero, La verdad que cuando veo información como esta sienta una autentica vergüenza ajena que no sabría cómo explicar, ¿para cuándo el gobierno se va a tomar esto en serio? Es que hasta ellos están perdiendo dinero en impuestos!!


Spanish piracy runs rampant, report says

Piracy in Spain cost the nation's entertainment industry €5.2 billion in the first six months of this year compared to €1.56 billion taken in legal sales, according to rights lobbying body Coalition of Content Creators and Industries.

A report titled "The Observation of Piracy and Consumption of Digital Content Habits", commissioned by the Coalition and compiled by IDC Research, claimed that 97.8% of all music consumption in Spain was downloaded illegally in the first half of 2010 along with 77% of movies and 60.7% of videogames.

Coalition President Aldo Olcese said that telecom operators and search engines were to blame for the rampant illegal activity and he urged the Spanish government to develop a complete policy to fight piracy.

"Telecom Operators, search engines and content creators should be sitting on the same side of the table to better develop the information society, along with the users. Large subjects, like Intellectual Property, web neutrality, fraudulent and massive use of social networks and the distribution of the economic chain of value are some of the subjects that should form part of the agenda for responsible self-regulation," Olcese told The Hollywood Reporter.

Os envío también un artículo sobre el cantante de la banda Kiss donde habla sobre piratería